7. The Trend Warnings Module
BFN Fusion prevents economic losses by recognizing issues and shortages early on. In this video, we’ll learn about Trend Warnings.
Hello and welcome to a new video of How to BFN Fusion. My name is Annette and I’m delighted that Maxim and Anders are joining me today in the studio.
Annette: So, they were talking about Trend Warnings. Now, I know, Trend Warnings, one can imagine from the name what it is possibly about, but I am dying to hear a bit more from you yourselves.
Anders: Yeah, I will answer this one. As you can imagine, our farmers, our customers are quite busy people and they do not have the time to go through all the data that is in the system as we saw the last time.
So we have created a service that will calculate the trend that a specific batch is supposed to follow. And if the batches start to deviate from this trend, then you will get a warning, hence the name Trend Warnings. I think it will be a little bit clearer if I just show you what it looks like.
Annette: Please do, yes.
Deviations trigger warnings
Anders: You can see here it looks like the Survey module that we talked about earlier, except instead of a table I have two graphs and one of them is for water consumption and the other one is for feed consumption. And obviously the blue one is for water.
We have two perforated lines. These are the lines that we have calculated that the flock should follow. And if you start to deviate from these lines then you will get a warning.
Annette: Okay, so far so good, but I get a warning. What does the customer do when they get a warning?
Anders: That is a good question actually. Because a lot of farmers, they say okay, exactly like you did, I got a warning. How do I know what to do? And we just, looking at the graph, you will see some small icons here. And these icons represent a warning.
You will see in this one, it has a dip in the water consumption here on day 22. If I click on this one, then the farmer gets a small description on what the deviation here is about. And what the data is that we use to calculate this warning. We also show some suggestions for what the farmer can you do about this warning.
Customer feedbacks
Annette: Okay, to me that sounds really helpful and really useful. Do you have feedback from customers who are possibly already using the Trend Warnings system?
Maxim: Yes, may I answer this question.
Annette: Please, Maxim.
Maxim: We have multiple customers globally that are already using this service. And we are getting really, really a lot of positive feedback because this is really very helpful to our customers. And may I even tell a story from a customer that we had recently?
So we have a customer, he has multiple farms, multiple houses, of course, very busy guy, but he is also a really good producer. He started to use Trend Warnings. And during the use of Trend Warnings, he realized that he always got a warning on day 22 regarding the water consumption of the batch, as Anders was just showing; it is a perfect example.
Then they started to investigate and saw that they had the same situation, meaning the drop in water consumption also for the historical batches. They did not realize it previously, but now they are getting this information from the system itself. So they started to analyze: why does it happen?
And they figured out that on the previous day, they always had a feed change, which means they got a new feed with a new component. And this had an impact on water consumption. And as the feed consumption in birds is also related to water consumption, it has of course a bad impact on the production and the results.
So they changed the components and were able to solve the problem. The birds did not stop to drink water but continued to drink and therefore also are more and met a higher weight. At the end we had to resolve that the average bird weight of this entire batch had a higher weight of 200 grams.
You have to mention that in such a house, we have 30,000 animals and seven rotations per year. This has the impact that we had a higher revenue for the single house per year of 16,000 euros.
Annette: Incredible. That is really interesting to hear. So that basically shows how useful the Trend Warnings system is already being to certain clients. Okay, I think we have run out of time for today. Thank you both for joining me, Maxim and Anders.
And thank you to you too for joining us. I look forward to our next videos where you will hopefully be with us and to make sure you do not miss any, please do subscribe to the Big Dutchman channel. See you soon.